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Year 9 Higher (Sets 1-4) Overview


Year 9


Autumn Term











Autumn 1



28 lessons



Chapter 1: Number



Chapter 2: Expressions and sequences



Chapter 3: Fractions





7 lessons



9 lessons



6 lessons



End of half term test (GCSE style)

Friday 18th October



1 lesson


Intervention on problem topics



4 lessons



October Half Term









Autumn 2



28 lessons



Chapter 4: Decimals and estimation



Chapter 5: Angles and polygons





12 lessons



10 lessons




End of half term test (GCSE style)

Friday 13th December



1 lesson


Intervention on problem topics



4 lessons



Christmas Holidays



















Spring Term











Spring 1


24 lessons



Chapter 6: Collecting and recording data



Chapter 7: Measure



Chapter 8: Congruence, symmetry and similarity





6 lessons



6 lessons



7 lessons



End of Unit test (GCSE style)

Friday 7th February



1 lesson


Intervention on problem topics



4 lessons



February Half Term








Spring 2



24 lessons



Chapter 9: Expanding brackets and factorising



Chapter 10: Area & Volume 1





8 lessons



10 lessons




End of Unit test (GCSE style)

Friday 28th March



1 lesson


Intervention on problem topics



4 lessons



Easter Holidays





















Summer Term










Summer 1


18 lessons



Chapter 11: Averages and range



Chapter 12: Constructions and Loci



7 lessons



6 lessons




End of Unit test (GCSE style)

Friday 16th May



1 lesson


Intervention on problem topics



4 lessons



May Half term













Summer 2


Approx 28 lessons




Chapter 13: Linear Equations





6 lessons


Revision & Whole School Exam week


SATs style papers



6 lessons



Chapter 14: Percentages



(Industrial awareness week = 4 lessons)

There will be many disruptions to this week





7 lessons





End of Unit test (GCSE style)

Friday 11th July


1 lesson


Intervention on problem topics



4 lessons



End of Term