After School Clubs and Enrichment
“The more you put in….the more you get out””
Our aim for all our students is that they enjoy a 360-degree education and have the best opportunity to discover and develop areas of interest in and beyond the classroom.
Here at St Saviours and St Olave’s we recognise that there is much more to having an education than lessons and homework. That is why we ensure a diverse, challenging and exciting extra-curricular and enrichment programme. Each week there is a wide range of clubs running weekly and a variety of partnerships who we work with throughout the year developing further opportunities at weekends and during holidays.
We also provide residential opportunities and personal development experiences for students to take part in such as Outward Bound in Y7 and languages trips to Spain and France in Y10, we have special events such as Cultural Evening and a Creative Arts Week. Alongside this, our extensive range of daily school activities are outlined in the extra-curricular programme below.
Additionally, we are fortunate that many of our students can benefit from free music tuition. Due to the kind assistance of the Foundation, the school is able to offer instrumental tuition free of charge to students. In addition, students receiving tuition may loan a maintained instrument from the school at no cost.
Activities week:
Each year, all students take part in activities week. During this week, all students will be engaging in a range of extra-curricular activities. During this week normal classroom lessons will be suspended for all students and instead an exciting outside the classroom experience is in place. Although the activities offered are outside the normal curriculum, this week is an integral part of the school calendar and there is an expectation that every student will participate and attend. Some activities involve residential trips. Others are more local, involving a series of day activities (some, or all, of which may be school-based) and/or work experience for Year 12.