Coronavirus Update - 13/03/2020
Re Coronavirus update
As I’m sure you are aware the government yesterday moved the national response to the Coronavirus outbreak into the delay phase. They have clearly said that schools should remain open for now, and we are following all advice given by Public Health England.
Whilst we are open we are ensuring that there is a constant supply of soap in the toilets so that girls can wash their hands on arrival at school and before eating.
We are also making contingency plans so that girls will have materials for work in all of their subjects should the advice change in the future and we are advised to close. Should a school closure occur during the examination period we will work with exam boards and their controlling authorities to ensure that students in years 11-13 are not disadvantaged in anyway.
The advice about international school trips also changed yesterday, so the planned Year 10 trips to Barcelona, Boulogne and Berlin will not be going ahead. The planned trip to Taize will also be cancelled. Our School Business Manager is liaising with the insurers, airlines and coach companies to establish how we can get the money back that has already been paid. Further communication with the families involved will follow when we have more information to share. The Norwich trip is currently still going ahead as per the government advice for domestic trips, but we will keep you informed should this change.
This is a rapidly changing situation and we are working hard to stay up to date with all the latest guidance. Please be assured that the health, safety and well-being of your daughters is always our top priority. If you have any questions or concerns please do contact us via the school office.
Yours faithfully
Catherine May