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Computer Science and ICT

Our Vision

At St. Saviour’s & St. Olave’s it is imperative that we develop students into active users and creators of technology, understanding and questioning their role within it. Students critically reflect on the developments of Computer Science and its impact on ethics, culture and the environment and are given the space to examine within lesson.  Technology should enable our students to flourish in all aspects of their life so it is important that they become confident, critical and informed. Our curriculum allows students to develop their programming, logical thinking, cyber and e-safety and digital literacy skills whilst honing their use of popular software packages used in the professional world.  As Computer Science is ever changing and developing daily, it is important for us to regularly update and improve our curriculum based on feedback from students, staff and wider industry professionals. Furthermore, it is imperative that we offer a fully inclusive and transformative curriculum which enables all students to flourish and provides a range of opportunities outside of school to help enrich and apply their skills.