As chaplain at SSSO my role is to support and uphold the Christian ethos of the school, and to help nurture faith and spirituality. This involves writing Thought for the Days which are read out and discussed in form time, choosing themes for assemblies, holding monthly Eucharists, holding discussion groups about the Christian faith, organising meditative services, and helping to plan our annual services at Southwark Cathedral. This year the Bishop came to do a Confirmation service in school for those who wanted to affirm their Christian faith – we held a course before this to think about what it means to be a Christian. An annual trip to the Taizé community in France is also organised to help students to explore their Christian faith and spirituality. This has proved to be an important and popular trip.
Reverend Imogen
Although SSSO is a Christian school, there are students and staff of all faiths and none – my role is also to offer pastoral support to anyone in the school, regardless of their faith.
It is an immense privilege to be able to do this work, and to be part of all that God is doing in our school.